Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Return of the Black Stig

I'm sure that for long-time Top Gear fans, the title of the post is enough, if they haven't already seen the YouTube video of the first "tame racing driver" of the show climbing out of what was thought to be his (or its?) watery grave. For those who are currently looking this and going, "huh," the Black Stig was the first version of the mysterious racing driver that Top Gear uses to test the high-performance cars around their track. Because his identity was kept secret (as a gimmick), he was the object of intense speculation, which ended when he was eventually discovered to be racing driver Perry McCarthy, at which point, they drove Black Stig off an aircraft carrier and into certain doom.

Or so we thought...

Black Stig was replaced by White Stig, who was a little more successful in keeping his identity hidden, though there is persistent speculation about his identity. And, in keeping with the whole "mystery driver" shtick, Top Gear has apparently released a couple of virals relating to these characters, who are favorites of fans of the show. In one of them is the aforementioned Black Stig coming out of the sea. In the other is a rare press conference, where White Stig actually reacts to something, that being the question about Black Stig...

I love this show, particularly because they aren't afraid to mess around with people's heads. Here are the videos: